Now Hiring for a Farm Manager

This is a calendar-year, contracted position averaging 12 - 15 hours per week, at a pay rate of $30- 37.50/hour, commensurate with experience. Work hours will vary, with some work on weekends, especially during the growing season. There is no “Grange Office”, so work will be performed remotely, onsite at OFC and at the Grange Hall. By mutual agreement, the weekly and annual hours will vary with the needs at Overmarsh and with the rhythm of the agricultural year, within budget parameters.

Looking Ahead

We have been receiving a lot of inquiries about land at our Overmarsh Farm Commons and still have a few parcels left.

  • Community garden patches: 100-400 square feet
  • Medium plots: 500-1000 square feet
  • Allotments: 1000-2000 square feet
  • A commercial operation of up to half an acre
  • Collaborative farms: up to two acres
  • A share in a community orchard
  • Pastures for grazing animals
  • Custom growing ideas: just ask!

What’s Happening with the Grange

Seed Swap

Seed Swap Coming Up

Posted Feb, 2025

Following in the footsteps of millennia of hungry humans, let’s get together to share and give away seeds. This is an opportunity to share within our community. Vegetable, herb, and flower seeds are welcome. If you grew out seeds last year, bring some to pass along.

Overmarsh Tools

Tools for Overmarsh

Posted Feb, 2025

Overmarsh Farm Commons is gearing up for the growing season. We'll start gardening in the spring and are looking for donations of garden tools and equipment.

Assuming the Mantle

Grange Officers Assume the Mantle

Posted Jan, 2025

Installing Officer Anita Barreca welcomes Sherri Phelps to the post of Ceres. Grange Officer updates are listed in the article on the Newsletter.

Overmarsh Update

Overmarsh Update

Posted Jan, 2025 ~ by Bruce Robinson

On December 15, close to 20 prospective project participants joined at Overmarsh Farm Commons for a tour. The tour began with a general overview of the land being leased by the Grange from the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank. It then moved into a detailed description of the area that will be available for gardening in the spring.

More Pressing Matters

More Pressing Matters

Posted Dec, 2024 ~ by John Latimer

The Grange was in action again, holding a successful apple pressing event at the San Juan Island Farmers Market on November 2. Community members brought apples to press, sampled heirloom apple varieties, and learned how apple juice is made using the beautiful Grange press.

Overmarsh Update

Overmarsh Update

Posted Dec, 2024 ~ by Bruce Robinson

While we have moved into the dormant season, the Overmarsh project is still growing strong. Plans are developing for opening the garden and grazing sites for food production in the spring.

Our Mission

To support a resilient community of growers, makers, and keepers, to foster social and political engagement, and to maintain our Hall as a home for celebrations and programs.

We are a grass-roots, non-partisan advocacy group, and because we are a non-profit (501c8), we can accept donations and participate in crafting legislation at all levels.

Our Grange

San Juan Island Grange #966 is for rural citizens with both legislative programs and community activities such as talent and craft contests, scholarships, and much more. You don’t have to be a farmer to belong, though many are. Our elected officers volunteer and our ‘work’ occurs through various committees, but the heart of our mission is community well-being, and we enjoy gathering to celebrate this.

Our History

The Grange started after the Civil War to begin healing and overcome the sense of isolation that many farmers were feeling as well as help them respond to new national markets. Grange Halls across the country housed mutual assistance programs, and many agricultural cooperatives were started by Granges to improve the economic lot of the family farm. Today each local Grange chooses its own mission and program, and Granges come together at the state and national levels for joint efforts.

How to reach us: