Our Mission
To support a resilient community of growers, makers, and keepers, to foster social and political engagement, and to maintain our Hall as a home for celebrations and programs.
We are a grass-roots, non-partisan advocacy group, and because we are a non-profit (501c8), we can accept donations and participate in crafting legislation at all levels.
Our Grange
San Juan Island Grange #966 is for rural citizens with both legislative programs and community activities such as talent and craft contests, scholarships, and much more. You don’t have to be a farmer to belong, though many are. Our elected officers volunteer and our ‘work’ occurs through various committees, but the heart of our mission is community well-being, and we enjoy gathering to celebrate this.
Our History
The Grange started after the Civil War to begin healing and overcome the sense of isolation that many farmers were feeling as well as help them respond to new national markets. Grange Halls across the country housed mutual assistance programs, and many agricultural cooperatives were started by Granges to improve the economic lot of the family farm. Today each local Grange chooses its own mission and program, and Granges come together at the state and national levels for joint efforts.