Overmarsh Farm Commons

Come to the Grange Hall on June 2 for a brief presentation about Overmarsh Farm Commons and a chance to request land or volunteer to help, followed by a guided tour of the farm. Presentation will be from 1PM to 1:45PM, tour will be from 2PM to 3PM. Email us for details.

About the Land

Overmarsh Farm Commons is a dream our Grange has had for quite a while, a bit of land where more islanders can grow food for themselves and for the market. And now that dream is a reality. We have 35 acres near town along Roche Harbor Road, of which 5-8 will be irrigated and protected from deer, and the rest will be in permanent tree cover and livestock grazing. We will offer a range of parcel sizes:

  • Community garden patches of 100-200 square feet
  • Allotments of 1000-2000 square feet
  • Commercial plots of up to a half acre
  • Collaborative farms of up to two acres
  • Other arrangements-just ask!

Overmarsh Farm Layout

Click the button below to view a full size version of the Overmarsh Farm Layout

Overmarsh Farm Flower

Request Land

If you want a piece of Overmarsh, click the Request Land button below and we will get back to you.


And donations are always welcome! Click the Donate button to help us make this dream a reality.


And of course, we can't do this without our community, so click the Volunteer button below if you want to help.

Latest Overmarsh Farm News

Overmarsh Farm Update

Overmarsh Farm Update

Posted June, 2024 ~ by Bruce Robinson

The Overmarsh Farm Commons project is moving forward in a variety of ways: some practical "boots on the ground” and some administrative. On May 19, a dozen Grangers met at Overmarsh Farm and finished laying solarization tarps on the 100' x 100' area planned for the community garden.

Et Voila

Et Viola

Posted June, 2024 ~ by Bill Severson

Challenge: How to start a garden in a hurry on land that has been fallow for many years, and without using any heavy machinery? Solution: Gather a dozen islanders one afternoon, spend two hours, and "wala"! You have a potato patch in place that will ultimately feed several dozen families.

Overmarsh Farm

Overmarsh Farm Commons Update

Posted May, 2024 ~ by Bill Severson

Our team is very excited that the San Juan Island Grange has been selected to lease a 35-acre piece of the Beaverton Marsh Preserve from the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank to develop a cooperative farm project we are calling the Overmarsh Farm Commons.


How to reach us